Tsukiuta Wiki
Tsukino Park logo

TSUKINO PARK (ツキノパーク) was a free mobile application developed by Movic Co. Ltd. for both Android and iOS devices. It featured five mini-games and characters under TSUKINO TALENT PRODUCTION. The game was shutdown at 15:00 (JST) on November 30, 2018.


Tsukiuta. Series[]

Six Gravity[]








Wizard Twins Lico & Gli[]


Home Screen[]

Tsukino Park - My Room (Home Screen)

The home screen, also called "My Room", was be divided into two major parts: (1) the upper navigation menu, and (2) the area where the player's chosen character avatars (up to two) were displayed.

The upper navigation menu found only in the Home screen had the following buttons (left to right):

  • Calendar (カレンダー) - showed upcoming events, such as releases and character birthdays;
  • Monthly★Fortune Telling (月★占い) - showed the Lucky and Unlucky month of the day. If the player was lucky for that day, they would receive 100 coins;
  • Items (アイテム) - showed the unused items the player had;
  • Present (プレゼント) - showed the rewards/presents the player had not yet claimed;
  • Others (その他) - contained buttons to access the Announcements window, Settings, as well as to redeem rewards using QR codes, etc.


Tsukino Park - Navigation Menu

The navigation menu found on the bottom of the screen had the following buttons (left to right):

  • Home - brought the player to the Home screen (My Room);
  • Change Outfit (きせかえ) - brought the player to the screen where they could change the character avatars displayed on the home screen, as well as their outfits, etc.;
  • Game (ゲーム) - brought the player to the mini-games screen
  • Shop (ショップ) - brought the player to the Shop where they could buy new characters, outfits, interior design items, and access the gacha, etc.;
  • Short Story (ショートストリー) - brought the player to the Short Story screen where they could read short stories about the characters;
  • Friends (フレンド) - brought the player to the Friends screen to see the other players the player had befriended, as well as friend requests, if any.

Change Outfit[]

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ShootingRabbit TowerTsukiuta PuzzleRhythm GameWhac-A-RabbitTsukino Park - Game Menu
About this image

There are a total of five playable mini-games available at TSUKINO PARK. The player's chosen partner, together with the day's support character, have special skills that can be activated during the game. There are several missions to complete per game, with varying levels of difficulty. There are also special monthly events that reward the players with clothes, various items, coins, and experience points.

For more information on the mini-games, click on the specific mini-game area on the image above, or check out the article per game here: TSUKINO PARK's Mini-games.

Character Skills[]

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Events and Ranking Missions[]

There were three events the player could choose to participate in every month. For the December 2015 list of events, see here.


Tsukino Park - Shop Menu

The Shop allowed the player to access areas where they could purchase various items such as new character avatars, outfits/items for their character avatars, and in-game coins, replenish credit, increase friend slots, and the gacha.

The accessible areas were as follows (left to right, top to bottom):

  • Purchase Characters (キャラ購入) (green button) - here the player could buy new character avatars using in-game coins;
  • Replenish Credit (CREDIT回復) (blue button) - here the player could replenish their credit gauge using coins (100 coins);
  • Purchase Outfits (きせかえ購入) (pink button) - here the player could buy outfits, items, and background designs using in-game coins;
  • Increase Friend Slots (FRIEND拡張) (orange button) - increased the number of friends a player could have using coins (five slots for 100 coins);
  • Purchase Coins (コイン購入) (brown button) - here the player could purchase in-game coins using actual money;
  • Gacha (ガチャ) (light green button) - here the player could access the Gacha, where they could obtain limited edition items using coins.

Items that were available in the Purchase Outfits area changed monthly. Items available via the Gacha depend on the current set being offered within the game. For a list of the obtainable items, see TSUKINO PARK/Purchase Outfits and TSUKINO PARK/Gacha.

Short Story[]

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This article or section about TSUKINO PARK's Friends Screen is a stub and can be improved in areas such as grammar, style, wiki-formatting, spelling and expanding. You can help by editing this article or section.